Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Samantha - Surprise!

Again, I find myself apoligizing for the bad quality of the pictures, the spelling errors, and the ipads general blogging ability. (which is bad, and getting on my nerves.) I'm not sure why it makes the pictures so big, but I promise you it shall be fixed. It also seems that I cannot do seperate paragraphs, and again, I'm sorry. That is beyond my control. But I will go back and do a huge spell cheek on the last two entries. Or, I'll try to, at any rate. I will try a new stratigy on paragraph breaks, but I doubt it will work. (It Didn't work, so here I am three days later fixing it. -Samantha, July 21st)
Today it rained. No, not rained. Poured. Heaved buckets of frezzing water down from a merciless sky. Andrea and I stayed in and watched some kiddie cartoons with Vernom. Ahh, the good old days of Bob The Builder and Martha Speaks. Honestly, i really hate Martha Speaks. It seems to me the epitome of a bad TV show for children. Boring. Then Andrea and I attemped to do something fun, but alas, we were thrawted by rain. So we had to wait around until after lunch, when the rain stopped. Then we went out side and enjoyed the lovely woods in Aunt Nancy's backyard. They really are lovely woods. Thick bushes and tall trees and a muffling carpet of decomposing leaves. Andrea and I had fun climbing the trees, and pretendind we were runaways hiding out in the haunted woods. Andrea scaredthe heck out of me by jumping down from a low tree brach with her shirt up over he head. She looked headless, it was quite terrifing.

Remember I said that Aunt Nancy had a surprise for us? Well, I did, and she does. She gave us two tickets to The Tempest up at Shakespeare And Compony, which is a play about a bunch of people on an island. The tickets are for tomorrow night, and we have a room at a hotel to stay in tommorrow to. Its in some place called 'Stockbridge.' I've neverbeen to Stockbridge begore. I wonder what it will be like.

Happily awaiting Tomorrow,


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