Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Samantha - from the train

I've never posted from my ipad before, and I'm having quite the time of it. Give me a laptop any day! I'm on the train right now, Andrea sitting next to me.We have been on the train for about an hour, so we have another hour or so to go before we get there.

We woke up quite early this morning to get to the train station. Andrea is not very fond of waking early, so I had to go next door and 'encourage' her. Not an easy task, especealy at five thirty in the morning. In Andrea world, 'encourage' means 'Force her out of bed with a bag of chocolate." Ah, the lengths I go to. We stopped at a Duckin Donuts on the way to the train station to get breakfest. I got a nice simple blueberry muffin. Andrea got five donuts. I mean, come on, there must be a limit to her apitite SOMEWHERE, right? Well, not here, clearly.

Currently on the train, i have read three chapters of The Forgotton Garden, had a conversation with Andrea about last nights Bunheads episode, and ate half a snickers bar. I wanted to eat the WHOLE snickers bar, but a certain Andrea foiled my plans. When I got back to the bathroom, it was gone. Three guess's who took it! Right now, between typing and swearing under my breath at my ipad, I'm looking out the window. I love looking out the window, watching all the scenery go by. There are tons of trees, much more then in the city. I've also seen variose cows and horses, and a varity of Mcdonalds. I'm very sorry for any spelling errors, as my ipad does not have spell cheek. Huh. Strange. Anyway, i'll post again tonight.

 Tonight, tonight, I'll post again tonight!

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