Saturday, June 30, 2012



Friday, June 29, 2012

Samantha - Getting Ready

Sorry nobody posted yesterday, Its been pretty hectic around here. We’re all planning for the big party on the forth, and its gonna be so fun! Lilyana is baking blueberry and apple pies, and Rebecca will make two lemon ones, because she’s good at that. We’re going to have soda, and hot dogs, and chips to. We’ve also decided to all dress up in red, white, and blue, and then have a fashion contest. I’m already thinking about what I’ll wear. Maybe my AG shirt, or the red dress, with my blue shoes, and streak my hair…..Well. You get the picture. When it gets dark, we’ll have fireworks! I just can’t wait, I really love a good party!

Yesterday, Lilyana dragged us to the store to help her get baking supplies, and we filled up a huge cart. I can’t believe how much flower you need, we got bags and bags! Of course, Lily refuses to use a ready-made crust, she’s to much of a country girl for that. She says its cheating. Of course, we put up with it become she makes the best pie. Not to be state-ist, or anything, but country people make better pie. Then we went with Mellie and Maddi to get decorations. We got red, white, and blue balloons, streamers, and confetti. I love confetti, its so fun.

Lily says that she feels like we’re all keeping this huge secret from Mellie. I disagree. It was being kept from Rebecca to, but she found out. And anyway, all Melanthe needs to do is read the blog, and she’ll know to. Secretly, I wish that will happen, because I can’t face telling her. Also, from reading the last two posts, i get this feeling that Rebecca is not telling me something. Does anyone else get that feeling? Cuz I sure do.

In confusion,

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Lilyana - Thoughts About The Move

Rebecca found out today, and I think she took it fairly well, considering. She’s been very calm, but I worry that something else is going on, behind the calmness. Rebecca is like that sometimes. I don’t know how I feel about this. I like my room and our house, but I know it would be better for everyone if we moved. We do need the space, and i know Mom really wants her own office so she can have privacy while she works. Melanie also needs her own room. She’s almost ten, and should really have her own space. I guess I do really feel okay about this move. I would be great about it, except that it means one of us must leave. I can’t feel good about that. To break us up is awful. But maybe Mellie would have a better time with girls more like her. I don’t think any of us understand her very well. Sometimes I think I do, but then she does or says something that makes me stop and reconsider. Rebecca….Well, I partly agree with her. She can’t go home, and I don’t know if she’d be welcome anywhere else, because of…what she told me last week. I hope she admits it to the others soon, because she’ll face a lot of trouble if they find out from somewhere else. But besides that, I really feel guilty that I don’t care more about this. Because I really don’t. Maybe if I were leaving I would feel different, but I’m not, and there’s no chance I ever will. Gosh, and I’m supposed to be the emotional one!

Samantha had a talk with Rebecca today, and she agreed to send in a few applications – just to see. She got annoyed, but agreed “JUST to see, Samantha. You know I’m not going.” I’m really worried about what will happen. Wish us luck. 

Rebecca - I just found out.....

I can’t believe she didn’t tell me. I can’t believe she thought I would think about leaving. I just…..well, this is so strange. I had no idea that this was going on, I mean, i should have guessed from what Melanthe and Samantha were talking about on the computer yesterday, but I didn’t. I’m so stupid not to have, I really am. Haven’t I told myself a million times to be on the lookout? At least I know Samantha didn’t want me to leave, that was a relief. When I skimmed her post, all i caught was “will have to leave”, “Rebecca” “the hardest to live with” “ Never see her again” and “Anger”. I thought I was back in NY for a second, and I felt like i was going to faint. Then I thought that maybe she’d talked to someone from NYSA, and she was throwing me out because she’d found out about me. I thought she stopped liking me, and I couldn’t bear for that to happen, but then I read the whole thing. I understand now, but that doesn’t make it any easier. I can’t go, I can’t go back to NY, and i don’t know what else I could do. It must be Mellie who leaves. She has other options, while I do not. She’ll be fine.

I still feel like its my fault though, something I've done, something she thinks about me. It has to be my fault, because who else's would it be? I know in the end I'll be the one to go, to leave, because who in their right mind would choose me over beautiful Melanthe? Nobody. I know she'll make me go, I know she hates me now, for whatever reason. She's leaving me, abandoning me under the false pretenses of moving. She's betraying me, betraying us, and it makes me sad. But she can't make me go. She can't.

But I see why Samantha is upset about leaving. It is a beautiful house, and while I can’t say that I’m very attached to it – (I try not to get attached to anything, anymore) – I can see how somebody who’d lived there for four years might be. Butt she’s moved before, she’ll get over it. Like she said in her last post – She likes change. Oh, and Samantha? I do NOT sulk

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Samantha - Making Decisions

Nobody knows about the move but Lily and I, and I plan to keep it that way. Mellie never reads the blog unless its her turn to post, (Sometimes I get the feeling this isn’t very important to her at all) and Rebecca is in one of her sulks again, so she won’t read it either. I tried today to drop hints about leaving to Rebecca and Mel. You can probably guess that Rebecca was uninterested. But I had great luck with Mellie! She said that she’s been thinking of other girls to room with, because she wants to find a group that’s more like her. Boy–crazy  and party–lovers, I guess. People like her, who want to get on “the scene” and fool for hours with their hair, trying to attract boys. The funny thing is, though, Melanthe is gay, yet she’s always talking about attracting boys, and crushing on boys. She told me once that she talks like that so people won’t laugh at her. I feel bad for her when she says stuff like that. It seems like she’s always acting when she’s with girls like that, so I guess they aren’t really “girls like her” at all. I never thought of that, but i guess we all act most of the time. To ourselves, yo each other. Maybe what she really wants is a change. I’m kind of bummed that she’d even consider leaving. I guess I just assumed they all felt the way I did. But hey, whatever. If it makes this any easier. We had fun, looking through the Traveling Stars website, checking out girls with available space. Mellie wasn’t really taking it seriously though, which doesn’t mean anything, she’s always like that. Maybe she’ll find another great place to live, wouldn’t that be fun for her? I’ve always thought that she was a bit different then us in that she was more pinky-y and girly and wanted a boyfriend – or girlfriend -  and loved to party. Reckless too, I guess. The type that would nick a stop sign from the side of the road and hang it in her bedroom, the type who isn’t afraid to sass adults and get away with stuff. She’d love to room with girls like her. None of us are like that. Well, I am a little. She loves change and travel, and I thought I did to, but look at me now. Well, I still love travelling, and I guess that all change is hard to take in, its only been a couple days since they told me. I’ll encourage Mel about that, and talk to Rebecca. I do have time, we’re not leaving for a couple weeks. I’m planning to tell them on the first, and we can tell our friends at the party on the Forth of July. By then, we might have everything settled. 

Monday, June 25, 2012

Samantha - Big News

Okay guys, I’ve got news. Big news. Such big news that you will not believe it for a second! I can't even believe it. I'm just....astounded. Its crazy. I never, ever thought it would happen. Okay, so you know I live on Sullivan Street, right? Well, not anymore. Because – We’re moving. Yes. Yes, we’re moving. Not very far, only halfway across town to this street called Ellis Ave. The new house is closer to Sutton, which is good. Clearly, I can’t change schools, because of the scholarship, so it was kinda hard finding another house near Sutton.  But that’s not the real reason we’re moving. You know that my cousin Lilyana, her mother, and her sister Melanie moved in with us after her parents got divorced. Lily moved into my bedroom, and Melanie and Ms. Jones shared the spare. Well, of course Melanie hates sharing a room with her mom, but it didn’t matter so much because she was away at boarding school. But, of course she needs her own room.  Now we’re going to move to a new house that has more space, and a office for Lily’s mom. I’ve seen the house, its fantastic! Its got a huge lawn, and a swing, and trees. There is a great wrap around porch, and a little balcony. The bottom floor is a kitchen, a dining room, a living room, a bathroom, a little den, and a strange room that could be a mudroom, back when they had mudrooms. The second floor is My parents room, Ms. Joneses room, Ms Joneses office, Moms office, and Sara’s room. The third floor is Melanie’s room, Dads office, a bathroom, and our room. Its smaller then the other floors, because part of it is attic-like storage. Sounds great, huh? No. Our new bedroom is nice – But smaller then ours now. Small. Too small for four girls. At first I didn’t understand. We can squeeze, right? But travelling Stars has boarding rules, and by their definition the room is too small for all of us. Its still the biggest bedroom in the house save mom and dads, so there is Nothing We Can Do About It, Sam. Lily could share with Melanie, but nobody wants that, including – especially – Melanie. But it means we can’t all stay. One of us will have to leave. Not Lily, and obviously not me. Rebecca or Melanthe. One of them – our boarders – will have to go. Leave. One of them will have to find a new place to board here – or go back home. Four becoming three. I can’t believe it, oh my god, i just can’t believe it. We’re like the four March sisters – here forever. The four of us – friends, allies, confidants. I don’t want to loose that. I don’t want to loose us. I can’t imagine our room without Mellie or Rebecca. It would feel so empty. We have our four styles, our own little corners, our own quirks and messy habits that blend together into the perfect loft bedroom ever. We work together so well, the perfect team. Even though I know there is nothing we can do – the house has been bought, ours sold – I still think that maybe there is a way for us all to stay, even though I know there won’t be. I just am shocked, i just can’t believe this s happening. But its kind of my decision who has to leave, and I really don’t want it to be. Mellie is my friend, she’s pretty and feisty and funky and flippant. And okay, fine, maybe she has a little shoplifting problem, and she’s got a horrible temper, and she cares to much about her ‘image’ and boys, but that doesn’t matter. And Rebecca, she understands about New York, she seems shy, but she says these amazing, deep things, and she is funny when she wants to be, she’s a great dancer and super smart. She’s the hardest to live with, with her moods and silence, and the angry words I know she doesn’t mean, the times when she seems like a blurred version of herself, like a caricature that’s not funny at all. But I don’t want to let her go. Somehow I feel that if I do, she’ll slip away, just like smoke and I’ll never see her again. I just don’t know what to do.

In Shock,

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Lilyana - worried about Samantha

I’m worried about Samantha. I think there’s something up with her. She had a talk with her parents earlier, and has been in her room alone ever since. She’s not usually like this; whatever it is it must be big. Anyway, I’m really worried.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Rebecca - Shooting Stars

Sometimes, when I can’t sleep, I go out onto the roof. Its really nice there, especially when there are no clouds, and the moon is out. That’s where I am now. The night air is cool and soft, clouds travel in wispy bands across the dark plush of the sky, where stars twinkle few and far between like the sparks Samantha always goes on about. You can see the buildings and lights of Boston against the sky, silhouetted and stark, calm in the crushing velvet of the night. Our street is quiet, and I don’t see anybody. The front lawn of the house is bathed in darkness, waves of it lapping against the house like the sea. Fish of doubts and dreams swim in the uncertain ocean, biting at minds and tugging on lines.

When I’m up here, I like to play my guitar, play sad, soft songs that echo and vibrate, here among the stars. Its peaceful here, no questions, no prying, no noise. Only me and my music and my thoughts. Sometimes I dance, twirling and leaping in the spotlight of the moon, a hundred times brighter and better then stage lights. The motion of the night air across my face and body is like soothing words and hands, like a comforting murmur that tells me I am not alone. Like maybe the Goddess of the moon herself is smiling down at me. But I have to be careful, or else I’ll fall.

I like the night. I like the gentle haze around the streetlamps when it rains, like an Angels halo, or a portal to another world. The air is thicker at night, fuller. Stocked with the memories and tears of hundreds of years, hundreds of stares at the moon, hundreds of wishes made on shooting stars. I close my eyes, and wish.

I’ve always loved nighttime.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Thoughts on Sparks

Hey guys, Samantha here. Just from talking to the rest of the guys, I’ve realized that among us, there is much controversy about what our blog name – Teeny Tiny Sparks – means. So here is our own separate views on the matter. You can agree with whatever one you want, or fathom your own ideas.

Samantha:  I – who chose it – always intended it to mean that we are just little starting points of something, beginning flickers. We could become something great – or we could just burn out.

Rebecca – I always thought it meant that we were all just little pinpricks of flame in the blackness, burning helpless and alone. We’re all just little sparks, nothing more. A few of us may become something great, most of us won’t.

Lilyana – I kind of agreed with Samantha. I thought it meant we were all something small, something bright. And If we don’t get bigger, it doesn’t matter, because we helped the fire in our own way.

Melanthe – Just that we were something small, and with luck and dedication we could become something big and bright!

Ok…..Rebecca’s was kind of…..Morbid? Well, anyway, I guess the general idea is that we are all the sparks. So….burn, baby, burn. Happy Solstice everyone!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Lilyana - Report cards and Rebecca Weirdness

Ah, the great day of report cards have arrived. I’ve always cared about my grades, and so I work hard, and therefore get good grades. To me, that’s all there is to it. Some people moan about studying and never do their homework, but then they wonder why they get Cs. They don't get that you have to work for it, strive towards it.

So anyway, the thick letters thumped onto the doormat one after the other this morning, along with some bills and a American girl magazine. Four, one for each of us. I wanted to open mine right then and there, but I didn’t, because we usually like to do them together. Why so much ceremony? Well, Sutton is very big on grades. You have to maintain a certain average to keep studying there, and if you don’t you may get suspended. If you have really bad grades, you might not even be allowed back! I know that sounds really harsh, but because this is a school for the arts; we don’t have as much time to spend on schoolwork, so we need to be really smart. I know that there are some people that find that unfair, and when I think about it, it kinda does. It does seem kind of demanding, but I guess its what they have to do. Anyway, I brought the letters into our loft bedroom, where Samantha was playing with her American Girl Doll, Nellie. She’s the only one of us that has an American Girl Doll, but we each have a My Generation. I could also see Melanthe, sitting on her bed and doing her nails this sparkly turquoise color.
“Samantha! Melanthe!” I called. Samantha looked up from dressing her doll.
“What is it, Lil?” She asked, brushing her bangs out of her eyes. Samantha hates her bangs, she says they are babyish. I say they’re really pretty, but she’s always pulling them back and clipping them up.
“Our report cards came!”
“Ooh, really?”
“Yeah, here.” I passed her the one with Samantha Parkington on it in a loopy scrawl. “Hey, Melanthe, catch!” I said, tossing one up to my redhead friend, who caught it with her palm, her nails still being wet.
“Where’s Rebecca?” asked Melanthe. “Don’t we open them together?”
“Yeah, where is she?” I echoed.
“On the roof.” Said Sammy, with a ‘What could I do?” shrug.
“The Roof? Of the house?”
“Yeah, the house. Well, kinda." she amended.  "That low bit where the attic stops.”
“But what is she doing up there?” I asked. This made no sense.
“And how did she get up there?” Melanthe said.
“She went through the window in Melanie’s room, i think. You know, you can just slide down to the lower part of the roof, where its flat before it drops to the garage. I don’t know what she’s doing now, she was playing her guitar before, I could hear it. But it stopped a while ago.”
“Um….ok. I’ll go get her.” Melanthe slid off her denim comforter, and padded across the room, going out into the hall. She poked her head around the door of a room slightly down the hall. “Rebecca!” We heard her call, then again. “Rebecca!”. This time an answering response I couldn’t make out. “What is it?”
“Our report cards came. We’re waiting for you in the bedroom.” This time we could hear Rebecca’s response.
“All right, I’ll be there in a sec.” She sounded annoyed. No different then usual.
Melanthe came back into the bedroom, and was met with interested faces on all sides.
She shrugged.
“She was just up there with her guitar, Ok? Nothing weird.”
“…..OK.” I said, not sure if that qualified as 'Nothing weird."
Rebecca came into the room then, her guitar in her arms. She put it on her bed, and accepted her letter from Samantha. Things went jut as they always did from then, but something about Rebecca unsettled me. I don’t know what it is, I don’t know what she was doing up there. Not drugs, or anything bad like that. She’s too focused on her dancing to do anything like that. But I still wonder.

I guess I should post our grades on here. Our teachers would hate that, they say grades are our own business and nobody else’s. Nobody pays any attention, they rip them open the second they leave the classroom, trading letters and comments. And we all care, about our own, and about everybody else’s. So here goes. 

Lilyana –  Math-A-, Language arts-A, social studies-A, Science-A, Computers-A, spelling-A, handwriting-A.
Samantha –Math-A-, Language arts-A, Social Studies-B+, Science-B, Computers-A+, spelling-A-, Handwriting-B+
Melanthe – Math-C+, Language arts-A-, Social Studies-A+, Science-B-, computers-B, Spelling-C, Handwriting-A+
Rebecca – Math-A+, Language arts-A+, Social Studies-A+, Science-A+, Computers-A, Spelling-A+, Handwriting-A+

Rebecca had fantastic grades! I mean, she studies so much, so that’s no surprise. She doesn’t talk about herself or her past, or her anything very much, but it seems like her old school had higher standards then this one. It must have been a really good school. Anyway, I was pleased with my grades, and I do know math is my downfall. Just way to many rules and numbers. I like rules in real life, but on the paper, and with all the symbols it doesn't make as much sense. I want to try and study some over the summer, because eighth grade math is much harder. Melanthe was really upset about her grades, although it is true she’s not the best student. I’m going to help her a bit over the summer, because if she gets a C again, she’ll have the school to answer to. Happy summer!


Monday, June 18, 2012

Rebecca - Dance

Samantha said I should do a post about what my dancing means to me. I don’t understand. To me, dancing is what can’t be said with words. Dancing is when every thing is simple, but nothing makes sense. I can’t explain it in words, it is beyond words, and yet to simple for them to describe. I don’t want to talk about myself, either. I’m not a big person for talking about myself. I just don’t think it matters. You really have to be dedicated to be a dancer, willing to commit days and lifetimes. But if its truly in you heart, that doesn’t matter. I’ve always known I wanted to be a dancer, and i don’t care if  I have to work for it. I don’t really have anything else to say.

Samantha - Such a lot of people!

I've been thinking about how lucky we are to live on a street with so many girls our age. Well, and a lot of little kids, but thats cool.

 My best friend Andrea lives next door to us, on the first floor of a two - family house. She has an older sister, Tracy, who's in college, but we never see her much. Andrea is super pretty, with shoulder-length blond hair and huge brown eyes. She's a real tomboy, though. Andrea loves ports, especially soccer and basketball. She never dress's very well either, and has HORRIBLE fashion sense. She also eats a lot, more then anyone I've ever seen. She's super thin, though, which is unfair considering the size of her appetite. She could not be any more different then I am, which is strange considering we're best friends. Yes, Andrea Albright is my best friend. She's really funny, and she goes to Sutton to study theatre, like I do. Its nice to have that in common. She also has a dog, like me, and loves cherries, like me. She's much more immature then I am though, which is fine with me. I like being the wiser one, which is kinda funny because her birthday is a month before mine. We had a double beach party this year, which was really fun.

Kanani Akina (Or Ani) lives in the apartment above Andrea's. She's a shy, long haired Hawaiian girl who moved in two years ago with her aunt and uncle. We never knew Mr. and Ms. Sandtti before, but once Ani moved in with them, we all got to know each other very, very, well. Kanani studies half-time at Sutton, taking classes in Hawaiian dancing. She's also a very good swimmer, much better then i am, which makes sense since she grew up on the ocean. She's very quiet and shy, like Lilyana. Lily and Ani get along very well together; They're really close friends. They both love animals and being outdoors.

And of course, you know about Maddi from Mellie's post. Maddi lives a block or so up the street, with her brother Jake and her dad. I dunno where her mom is.  Maybe they're divorced, like Lily's parents. I don't like her very much. She's kinda....blegh. Shallow. Boring. but whatever, I'm not disputing Mellie's taste in friends. Her brother is cute though. VERY cute. Like INSANE cute, like I WANT TO KISS HIM cute. But also as in 'he has a hot blonde girlfriend' cute. Oh well.

Anyway, the seven of us get along pretty well. Sometimes. Its good to have close friends that live near you.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Lilyana - About My Disability

Lilyana here. This is my first post, and i’m not sure what to write about. Mellie says to “Jump Into It”, buts that doesn’t mean much, coming from her. Sorry, that was mean. Its not her fault she had a lot to talk about, I sure wish I did. I read Mellie’s post, it was really quite interesting. So I guess I should jump into it. I was born was a huge deformation in my left arm, and a lot of problems with my back. It was nobodies fault, not my moms, not my dads. But it meant I couldn’t do a lot of things other girls my age could, because it was very hard for me to use my arm, and when I was younger, even to walk. As a result, I became very shy. Well, maybe I would have been shy anyway, I don’t know. When I was four, i had an operation on my arm, but it didn’t work out very well. When I was five, I had another on my back, which was half successful. I could walk, but not run, and not for very long. Somebody suggested riding therapy, and i guess the idea caught in my mom. My sister Melanie was just born then, and we were growing out of our house fast. My Father’s father also owned a large ranch. What better idea then to move the family out there, as it would also help my health? Well, we did, when I was six, driving the two hundred miles in our beat up minivan. I kind of missed my friends – and neighbors -  Mimi and Sara, especially because I had a very hard time making friends. And its funny for me to say this, but i was scared of horses. That changed when i met Rachel. Rachel never looked at me funny because of my disability. She never teased me, never cared i could basically just use one arm. Rachel was funny and crazy and exuberant. She was also the one who helped me get over my fear of horses. She came to every one of my special riding classes, until it became clear that even one–handed I could ride better then she could. I started regular classes, then advanced ones, and began wining trophies. When I was eleven, my parents divorced. My mom didn’t know where to go, especially as I began having trouble with my back again. Then my aunt said we could move in with her, in Boston. My mom agreed, because I could have much better medical care there then I could in Montana. My mom, sister, and I moved to live with Samantha, who helped me embrace my singing talent, something I’d been pretending I didn’t have. When I was twelve, I had another operation. This one really fixed my arm a lot. I can use it a little now, and if i’m wearing long sleeves you can never tell anything’s wrong. It also helped my back, and I can pretty much move normally now, if I’m careful.  I’m still shy, but riding has made me less so, and more open about my disability. What I want to do is teach riding to other handicapped kids, so they can have the chance i did. 

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Melanthe - Shopping with Maddi

Hey ya’ll! Its me, Melanthe, but I go by Mellie a lot. I come from Canada, as you probably know from the last post. I like to shop, which, by the way, was what Maddi and I did today. Maddi is my best friend, and my neighbor. She lives across the street from us, with her hot older brother Jake. (and, well duh, her parents. But they don't really count.)  He is a drummer in a band, and 16 years old. He is SO cute, with adorable blond hair (like Maddi) and green eyes. (Unlike Maddi.) Maddi is my best friend, and she and I are a lot alike. She's very fashion conscious, like I am, and we both love pink and shopping. Maddi is very fun and giggly, a flirty type of girl, one of the most popular in her class. She doesn't go to Sutton like I do; She goes to the Public School; Sarette Middle School. Its hard not being in her class, but its also fun because we always have tons to talk about.

Wearing clothes that look good at you make you feel good, that’s what I think. People may say I’m shallow – I don’t get that, because I'm not. I just like dressing up, and there is nothing wrong with that. They need to stop stereotyping, and start living. I’m just myself. I like pink, I like clothes. OK fine, maybe I’m no good in school, but I'm not a boy crazy ditz. Actually, i’m bi. People give me a lot of shit about that when I tell them, so I don’t. If they ask, they are not getting a response. If they are gonna bitch about it, they don’t need to know. Samantha says i’m not being true to myself when i pretend to gush about boys, but I don’t care. I do like boys, its not lying. Not really. In today’s world, its what we need to do. She doesn’t understand, she never could, so I don’t get annoyed when she says stuff like that. People used to call me names back in Canada – now they don’t. How is that a bad thing? I don’t think it matters if the whole world knows i’m bi, as long as I accept who I am. Who cares what they know and think of me? Samantha sometimes acts as though being bi is a choice, a statement, but I’ve never seen it that way. Its who I am. And people who tell me I’m gonna burn in hell – Their problem. Hell is probably more interesting then heaven anyway, right? Heaven must be boring. That’s why I’m not religious, it makes no sense! Just no sense, and if God was really all-forgiving, then wouldn't he - Wait. This post is supposed to be about shopping, not my sexual preference. Sorry.

So, anyway, Maddi and I went to the Mall today, and got a couple fantastic new outfits! I found this great tight, green, long-sleeved top, which looks so good with my eyes! Its so hard to find good clothes here, really it is. American Girl is the best, but its so expensive! Our Generation is better priced, but kinda ribbon–y, and youngish. Lilyana likes it, which just goes to show you. Urgh. I'd never shop there, I swear to god it is a nut house for immature brats. They also have horrible shoes. Some store brands are OK though, that’s where I got the green top. There was a fantastic purple halter dress that I wanted to get, with little violet sequins around the hem, but I didn't have enough money. Too bad, I'll get it next time. I would have just stolen it, but I didn't want to do that in front of Maddi. She doesn't like it when I shoplift, whereas I have no problem with it. Oh well, to each his own, I guess. Then Maddi and I looked at bathing suits, which was fun. I found this really nice purple one with cute little straps. I always wearbBikinis, unlike Lilyana, who always wears a two-piece. Well, if she wants to look like a baby, thats her problem. Maddi found a nice red bikini, but they didn't have it in her size, which sucked. Maddi can be very picky about bathing suits, so she ended up not getting one. I was annoyed at first, but that just means we'll have to go back, so thats awesome!

Maddi and I went to Starbucks after. I got a cheese Danish, and Maddi got her favorite Cranberry Orange Scone. I cannot see how she likes those, they really make me gag. I think Cranberries look like red turds. Sorry, but I do. I cannot understand how she eats them. We talked school, and boys – and girls – and shoes. Sometimes, its fun being with friends.


Thursday, June 14, 2012

Samantha - All About Us

Hey, its Samantha. I thought that anybody reading this would want to know about us – so here goes:
Name –  Samantha Elizabeth Parkington

Age –  13
Birthday –  May 26
AOS (area of study) –  Musical Theatre – Singing, acting, dancing
Wants to be – Broadway Legend
Favorite color – Yellow, pink
Favorite food –  cupcakes, cherries
Favorite movie –  Chess In Concert, Into the Woods FL
Favorite songs –  Deal/No Deal, On My Own, City Of Strangers, Last Midnight, I Stand, Its A Fine Life, Lament, Moments in the Wood
Favorite musicals – Les Miserables, Into The Woods, 13!, Oliver!, Miss Saigon
Favorite book –  Inkheart, Ivy, Stoner and Spaz, Inheritance Series
Favorite quote – “Truth is only that which is taken to be true. There may be nothing behind it, but it makes no different, as long as it is honored.” – R and G are dead
Favorite animals – Cats
Favorite play – Tempest, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead,
Likes – Shakespeare, NYC, cats, reading fantasy books, sarcasm, late afternoon, singing in a band, Halloween, painting my nails, Sutton Foster, Bellatrix Lestrange
Dislikes – sewing, wasting time, small towns, fish, being alone, clouds
Who She Is – A dark haired, big voiced New York beauty, she aims to be the next Sutton Foster. Samantha loves both the tragedy and the comedy of theatre, and her three dream roles are Ado Annie, Nancy, and Eponine. She loves reading and being in the Big City, and she wants to get as much out of life as she can.

Name – Lilyana Louise Jones
Age – 13
Birthday – march 15th 
AOS (area of study) – singing, horseback riding
Wants to be – a riding teacher for disabled kids
Favorite color – Blue
Favorite food – Carrots, vanilla cake
Favorite movie – Riding Freedom, Brave, Sense And Sensibility
Favorite songs – I Dreamed A Dream, Some Things Are Meant To Be, Somewhere, Favorite musical – Oklahoma, Little Women, A Little Night Music, The King And I
Favorite book – My Friend Flicka, the Stone Pony, Pregnant Pause, Little women
Favorite quote – Adversity makes men, and prosperity makes monsters – Victor Hugo
Favorite animals – Horses
Favorite play – As You Like It, Buddy Cop 2
Likes – Riding, horses, reading about horses, being outside, helping people, patience, the sunrise, cooking, pie
Dislikes – irresponsibility, people who are mean to animals, loud noises, hate
Who She Is – Born in Montana, Lilyana grew up singing to the horses on her Grandfathers farm. When her parents divorced, she, her mother, and her sister Melanie moved in with Samantha, her cousin, who encouraged her to study singing. Lilyana was born with a deformation in her left arm, which makes it difficult for her to do a lot of things. She wants to help other children with handicaps learn riding, to help them as she was helped. Lilyana is very smart and neat, and values friendship and compassion to everyone – people and mammals. She is passionate about what she loves, and although she is shy, she will speak out when she feels something is wrong.

Name – Melanthe Rose Willins
Age – 13
Birthday – November 21st
AOS (area of study) – theatre and flute
Wants to be – Fashion designer or a flutist
Favorite color – pink
Favorite food – chips and salsa, frosting
Favorite movie – RENT
Favorite songs – It Sucks To be Me, OMG you guys, I’ll cover you, Stars, Any Dream Will Do/Prologue, Go, Go, JO!
Favorite musical – Avenue Q, Rent, Joseph..
Favorite book – The Other Boleyn Girl, The Boleyn Inheritance, Twenties GIrl
Favorite quote – “You are what you feel” – Joseph…. “No Day but Today” - RENT
Favorite animals – Hummingbirds
Favorite play – Angels In America, the Laramie Project
Likes – partying, flirting, giggling, shopping, shoplifting, roses, pink, friends, cities, twilight, the ocean, chinses food, swimming, RENT Fanfiction
Dislikes – Bashers, people who hate gays, negativity, boringness, hatred, discrimination,
Who She Is – A flirty, daring redhead girl from Canada, she loves playing the flute and parting with friends. She’s bisexual, although anybody she asks will get a very jumbled response, and hates people who cliché her or look down on her because of it. She loves shopping (and shoplifting), and really enjoys pink and anything to do with fashion. Melanthe has a dark side though, and woe to you if you find it. Her flippant sarcasm could come off as meanness, but its not really, she likes to get a laugh out of people.

Name – Rebecca Renee Rubin
Age – 13
Birthday – February 13th
AOS (area of study) – Dancing, theatre, guitar
Wants to be – Dancer
Favorite color – black, green
Favorite food – Pasta, chocolate, diet soda
Favorite movie – Ballet Shoes
Favorite TV show – Bunheads (Go Sutton Foster!)
Favorite songs – Who I’d Be, What It means to be a friend, I miss the mountains, You Don’t Know, Stars, Big bright Beautiful World, Still Hurting, I’m Not Afraid, Fathers and Sons
Favorite musical – Last Five Years, Shrek, Next To Normal
Favorite book – Anna Karenina, Frenchman’s creek, Rebecca, Mary-Anne
Favorite quote –  “I suppose sooner or later in the life of everyone comes a moment of trial. We all of us have our particular devil who rides us and torments us, and we must give battle in the end.”  ― Daphne du Maurier, Rebecca
Favorite animals – Raccoon
Favorite play – Macbeth, Hamlet, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead
Likes – tragedy, darkness, nighttime, the stars, being alone, dancing, ambiguity, reading
Dislikes –  Her past, being abandoned, gaining weight, prying, Chinese food
Who She Is – A dedicated, curly haired dancer from NYC, she’s determined to devote her life to dance. She also loves to play the guitar, which she does often at night when she can’t sleep. But Rebecca also has a secret, a troubled past she refuses to talk about. For Rebecca, coming to Sutton was her new start. Nobody knows anything about her – and she’s determined to keep it that way. 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

First Post

School is out today, and we’re going to make this summer count. We want the summer before eight grade to be an adventure. We want to find ourselves, find each other, and become closer and better friends – better people. This summer, this is going to be one we’ll remember. And we want to document that. That’s why we started this bog.

We? Who are we? We’re four girls – friends – who live together, in the house of Samantha. Lilyana is her cousin, Melanthe and Rebecca are two girls who board at her house. They board through a program called Travelling Stars, which lets girls board with families around the Boston area in order to attend the prestigious Sutton School For The arts. Samantha is a singer, an actress who dreams of Broadway, originally from NYC. Lilyana, her cousin, grew up in Montana, and moved here three years ago when her parents divorced, in order to study at Sutton. She also was born with a deformed arm and back problems, which makes it very hard for her to get around and function properly, and moving to Boston made it easier to get good medical care, and was why she had a very successful operation two years ago. She’d also been riding – first through a handicapped program, then at a exclusive stables- for years, and moving to Boston also enabled her to take more advanced riding lessons at better stables. Melanthe, a flutist and actress, is from Canada, and joined the duo a year ago. A redhead with a bouncy personality, Melanthe Rose – or Mellie Rose – is a flirty fashion–lover who takes her personal philosophy from RENT – No Day But Today. Then there’s Rebecca, a curly haired dancer from NYC, a dark, moody girl who plays the guitar and dreams of being a ballerina. This is our blog, our place to talk about who we are and whats happening. We’re the sparks.