Thursday, October 11, 2012

Samantha - Rebecca being weird part 2

Okay, so on with what happened yesterday. Usually; Lilyana, Melanthe and I  walk home together (unless we have better things to do), but yesterday I decided that I had to talk to Rebecca, which meant staying late. I knew that for whatever reason Rebecca might skip school, she'd never, ever miss ballet. She throws her soul into her dancing, so I knew that no matter what; she'd be there. So I did my homework in the library until six, which was when her class got out. I grabbed my backpack ad ran into the courtyard; hoping beyond ope that I hadn't missed her. But no, there she was,

Walking down the schools long driveway, her purple hat stark against the gloomy late afternoon. I could see the silver gleam of her ballet bag over her shoulder. 

" Hey! Rebecca!" I called, cupping my hand around my mouth. She didn't turn around. "Rebecca!" I shouted again, and I winced at how loud and annoying it sounded in the crisp fall air. Still she didn't turn around, or speed up, or give any indication that she'd heard me - which of course she must have. I sighed in exasperation, and began to run after her, short puffs of air exploding into the chilly afternoon, my footsteps pounding on the asphalt. 

Finally I caught up to her. I stepped in front of her, panting, blocking her path. 
" What the hell, Rebecca?" I said, grabbing her arm as she tried to get around me. She flinched, yanking her arm out of my grasp. 
 " What?" She said, her tone bored, as though she hadn't skipped school for no reason whatsoever.
" What do you mean, what? You know perfectly well what!" I said angrily, mentally groaning at how   parent-ish I sounded.

" I was sick, Samantha." She said, in a well-duh kind of voice, rolling her eyes. But she refused to meet my eyes, her large hazel orbs sliding down my face to focus on the ground. 
" Come on, Rebecca. Where were you today? The teachers were freaking out, like, totally."She shrugged.
"Yeah? So what. I'll just tell them I was sick, okay?"
" But you weren't. This isn't like you."
" Samantha  - " she started, then stopped. "Nevermind."

" You weren't sick. You were at dance, right? I challenged, knowing how weak an argument that was. That girl would probably go to her dance class if our house was on fire. Mercifully, she let that pas without comment, saying only:
" It doesn't matter, Samantha. Really." She turned as if to go.
" Come on, Rebecca." I said, exasperated. "What the hell is going on? 

" Do you ever feel restless, Samantha?"
"What?" I said, surprised. " Er....yeah, I guess."
" Like you can't stand to be here anymore, like an ache so deep inside of you that you can't go anything about it. And sometimes you can't control yourself anymore, and it's like you're falling, but you don't know where, or why. You don't know who you are anymore." Her voice was low, but her words sounded foreign to me.
" What are you talking about, Rebecca?" Maybe she was sick. Like, delirious, or something. "Do you feel ok?"
" Like you're being chased," she went on "but you don't know what's chasing you, and nobody else can see it but you, and even you can't sometimes. And its like you can't go on another moment, you have to run, or escape, but you know you can't.  You know you can't get rid of whatever it is that feels so wrong. And you know that you shouldn't feel this way; that it's wrong - that you're wrong, somehow. But you do."

" Are we still talking about why you weren't at school?" I asked, confused. "Because are so going to be in so much trouble if you don't have a legitimate excuse. " She sighed. 
" Listen, never mind, okay?"
" I was sick, alright?"
"Rebecca, what..?"
" Today. i stayed home sick. Just....leave it at that."
" Rebecca, I don't-?"
" Drop it, okay, Samantha. I shouldn't have said anything, I just....." She stopped, and shrugged, scuffed her shoes on the rough pavement. " I thought maybe... it doesn't matter." 

"  Rebecca, wait!" I called, still confused. What was she talking about. But she was gone, her bright hat disappearing around the corner; and i knew he wouldn't be home for dinner. 


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Samantha - Rebecca being weird again part 1

Rebecca isn't at school today. And I don't mean she's sick, or something. She got up with the rest of us; skipped breakfast like she always does ( "Dancers are thin, Sammy.") and went out the door a half hour before we do, like usual. She likes to go in early to practice in the studio before classes start. Anyway, we have A block together; and she wasn't there. I wasn't worried or anything; because maybe she was talking with the principle about something; or got held up in the studio, or was asked to show some new kid around. (We all have to do that at some point.) But then after C block, Melanthe caught up to me in the hallway.

" Samantha!" She called. I turned around, and saw her running towards me; her long red hair twisted into a bun, her ams full of books.

"What?" I replied, shifting though my binder to make sure I had my D block (math) homework.

" Samantha, have you seen Rebecca?" She pulled on my arm, and I looked up. Her huge green eyes looked alarmed.

" What? No - she wasn't in A block."

" She wasn't in science either." Melanthe said, frowning. "Do you think she went home sick?"

" Maybe.... she seemed OK this morning, though."

" There's a cold going around. Maybe she has that."

" Yeah, maybe. That must be it......" I said, grinning. Melanthe didn't look to convinced, but she shrugged and headed off to her D block French class. (Which Rebecca should have been in to.)

But it was during Melanthe's D block French class that we realized that something was wrong. Of course, I didn't, because I wasn't there, but Melanthe told me over lunch.

" Samantha, you will never guess what happened during French!" Melanthe said, sliding into the seat next to me, and plopping down her lunch bag.

" What?" Andrea asked; swallowing a bite of turkey sandwich. " Are you sitting with us today?"
 Here I guess I should explain that the four of us don't usually sit together at lunch, with the occasional exception of me and Melanthe. I sit with my best friend Andrea, my friends Casey, Sophia and Dezzy, and another girl named Lucy, who is more Andrea's friend then mine, and plays basketball. Lilyana sits with Ani and another girl; a shy, pretty redhead named Delia. Melanthe divides her time between us, and a loud, popular table of girls that I don't really know very well. Rebecca goes to the library; I think, or the studio.

" Yeah. Yum, can I steal a chip, Drea?" Melanthe reached over the table and grabbed a Cape Cod Potato chip from Andrea, whom she insists on calling 'Drea.'

" Hey!" Andrea protested; swatting her hand away. " Eat you own food, you little theif!" She said, pulling her chip bag out of reach. Melanthe laughed, and took a bite of her apple, which she had taken out of her brightly striped lunch bag along with a piece of cold pizza and a bag of halloween oreos; which my mom had gotten as a special treat the other day.

" ANYWAY," I interrupted, "What happened, Mel?"

" The office called about Rebecca."

" Wait.....what?" My stomach dropped. " She's not, like...."

" What? Dead? Do you think we'd be sitting here if she was?"

" No." mumbled Andrea through a mouthful of goldfish.

" So what did they call about?"

" Oh, you know." Melanthe waved her hand in the air. " Hello Miss Reinstein; this is Dorry from the main office called to see if Rebecca Rubin is in class. That type of call."

" And she's not?" Sophia butted in. " You mean she skipped? Why?"

" No clue." I said dully, pushing at my sandwich.

" Wow, Rebecca?" Said Casey, shoving her dark blond hair out of her face. " She's in my Language Arts class. Never thought she'd skip."

" Neither did we, really." Melanthe said, grinning at Casey as though they shared a special, private joke. " Little Miss Perfect most of the time."

" Boy, will your mom be pissed." Andrea said, pushing a chip at me over the table. " Remember when you skipped that test, Mel? Her mom went nuts!"

" Wait; why would Samantha's mom go nuts if Melanthe skipped school?" Casey interjected.

" Mellie and Rebecca board with Samantha. You know; through that program the school offers." Andrea explained.

" Oh yeah. Jeez, Rebecca's in for it then. Daphne - you know Daphne Halti?" We shook our heads. Mostly, Lucy moved in different circles then we did. She was part of the (small) sports program; while we were all majoring in the arts; which was what the school was for; being a preforming arts school, and all. But there was a sports program, and there were students who moved exclusively in that area, like Lucy. Then there were students like Andrea; who did both sides. Andrea was here mostly for soccer, basketball and hockey, but she also did theatre; which was how we met.

" Daphne Halti? The tall blonde on upper school basketball team?" asked Andrea; referring to the team for 10th, 11th, and 12th graders.

" Yeah. She boards with Lindsey Masenari, right? And she skipped to go into the city with her boyfriend, and they got caught."

" And?"

" She almost had to go back home."

" You mean get kicked out of the program?"

"Yeah. They come down real hard on kids in the Boarding program. But she'd done it before."

" Rebecca hasn't."

" I know." Casey said.

Ok, I am officially freaked. Where the heck is Rebecca? She wasn't there when we got home today; and it's almost three now. What is going on? Is this like what happened this summer, when she never came home that day? What is up? I mean; she hasn't seemed that off in the last couple days. No more the usual. She's been in one of her mopey, sullen moods where she won't talk to anybody. She gets like that a lot, but we've stopped paying attention. It's just who she is. But now I'm a bit worried. Where is she?

Freaked out,


Monday, October 8, 2012

Samantha - Happy Les Mis Day

So, since today was The 27 anniversary of Les Miserables; we all dressed up! It was super fun. We also invited some of our friends over too - Maddi, Ani, Andrea, and Delia, who is Ani's friend. All of us really like Delia, she's Ani's other best friend, and Lilyanna really likes her, too, but we don't know her that well because she's really shy. We want to get to know her better. She made a very good madame thenardier!

I, of course, was Eponine. I rather like the way my costume turned out. I know that she doesn't wear a shawl in the musical; but she does in the book, so I decided to add it in to my costume. I used a piece of string for a hair band, even though you can't see it in this picture. Anyway, I think I look great! Melanthe said I look exactly like Samantha Barks! I think that is just so awesome. I adore Samantha. Plus; we have the same name! How cool is that! 

Melanthe decided to dress up as Javert. She said she didn't want to end up as Madame Thenardier. I really love her costume, especially the hat. I don't know if she looks stern enough, but I think she rocks as Javert!

Rebecca dressed up as Cosette, of course. A lot of people have this extremely mis-informed idea that Cosette has blonde hair; but they're wrong. Cosette has auburn curls, and large blue eyes. I think Rebecca looks remarkably like her. Now, the costume was the best we could do. We don't have very many old-fashioned dresses, so we dug up this one. I think it looks alright. 

Lilyana, naturally, was Fantine. I think she makes the best Fantine ever! She just looks so sweet and innocent. We decided to put her in Fantines nightgown, instead of her blue dress, because we couldn't find a blue dress that would work right. I think she looks perfect; and even Rebecca had to agree with me. 

Here we are; the four mizzies! Who do you think looks the best? 

Finally, our friends arrived. Andrea came first, dressed as Enjolras; which we all though was pretty funny. I think she looked great, of course. Or, as great as a girl playing a boy CAN look. I just love her red vest! 

Maddi came dressed as Marius. It's OK, but hey, I would have no idea how to dress up as Marius. 

Ani came as Grantaire; which we all though was the funniest thing ever! Grantaire is a crazy alcoholic given to long, drunken, speeches, and Kanani is the shyest person ever. Still; her costume was pretty good; I thought. 

This is Kanani's friend Delia, who is kind of a bitch. Kanani had the idea of inviting her, and I didn't want to say no. It was really funny to see her dressed up in a sort of dirty costume, because Delia's really neat! She made a good Madame Thenardier! She's ugly anyway, so it was alright. Honestly, I hate her . . . but she's Kanani's friend so I guess I'll have to deal. 


For more pics go to my photo - bucket at

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Blogger award!

The wonderful Sayoko Tachibana ( awarded us with the Versatile blogger award! Here are the requirements:

1. Must State Requirements (Well, thats a bit obvious, and unworthy of being number one, but we shall obey, oh royal blogger award.)

2. Thank the Person Who Awarded You
Thank you so much Sayoko! You are wonderful!

3. Pass the Award on to Five Other Bloggers
3.Charlotte and Zoe
5.Anne Lee Mercedes            

3 1/2. Notify the Awarded Bloggers by Commenting on Their Blogs (Done. What, is there something wrong with having five parts to this thing; do we really need a three and a half? Lol.)

4. Share Seven Unusual Things About Yourself. ( Well, there are four of us, so if you are easily bored do not read this.)


1. I bite my nails a lot; even my toenails.
2. I HATE strawberry icing on anything. It is revolting.
3. I am way to attached to my stuffed animals - I have, like, thirty.
4. I have never been on a roller coaster.
5. When I was six years old; my kindergarten teacher thought I was a boy.
6. I had to have an eye operation two years ago; and I am very paranoid about my eyes ever since.
7. I think a lot of Eponine fangirls are really, really, dumb.


1. Before I moved to Montana, I was terrified of horses! Now, I love then, and want to teach riding to disabled children when I'm older.
2. I always wear my hair up because it gets really, really, frizzy otherwise.
3. I feel really left out when the other girls talk about theatre - I'm the only one who's not a theatre freak.
4. I always feel very shy when I wear bright colors.
5. My mother doesn't let me comment on youtube videos. It took a lot of convincing to let me blog on here with Samantha.
6. My little sister Melanie goes to a boarding school for opera singers - and she's only eight. I feel really talentless next to her and my cousin.
7. I have kept a diary for almost six years.


1. Once I ate an entire tub of chocolate frosting. I am a chocolate-addict!
2. Ogunquit Beach is my favourite place in the world - my family has a beach house there, and we go every summer. I love it more then anything.
3. I have dyslexia, but I don't like telling anybody because a lot of people see me as a 'Dumb-airhead-brainless-cheerleader-clothes-obsessed' type. That just makes it worse.
4. I struggle with the compulsion to shoplift. I do it a lot, and I've never been caught. I never feel guilty, either.
5. I write fanfiction. RENT, Bunheads, and sometimes Glee.
6. When I was little, I wanted to be an olympic swimmer.
7. Licorice makes me gag.


1. I had really horrible relationships with both my parents - I'd happily never see either of them ever again - especially my father. He has done things to me that you could never imagine.
2. I've wanted to be a ballerina since I was three. But if it wasn't for the fact I was offered a full scholarship at the dance academy, my parents would never had let me. I'm not even sure why they wanted a kid.
3. I've never had anything like a best friend in my life until I met Angela; an autistic girl who went to school with me back in New York. She was an artist, extremely talented, but really shy; kind of an outcast like I am. We got along so well; she's basically the only thing I miss back home.
4. I'm terrified of learning to drive.
5.  I want to live briefly and brightly.
6. I get restless so easily; it's like a constant ache inside me.
7. There are many things you don't know about me.

Thank you and goodnight! Happy Sunday everybody, and we are all looking foward to Les Mis day tomorrow!

Samantha, Rebecca, Melanthe, Lilyana

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Melanthe - studying and moving

So today Samantha and I decided to study together for the History test. She is a lot better then I am at this kind of thing, so I was kinda hoping she'd help me a little. Well, a lot. Because, okay, fine, I am really, really, bad in History. I mean, come on! All those dates. It gets a bit boring. And what on earth is the point, anyway? Answer: There is none. Anyway, enough of me complaining, Rebecca says I complain to much. Well, we can't all be as stoic and distant as you, Rebecca.

" Hey, Samantha?" I asked.
" Whats the deal about moving?"
"What do you mean?" She said, surprised, clearly wondering how we'd gotten from Paul Revere to moving.
" Well, at the beginning of the summer your mom said we would be. Moving, I mean."
"Yeah." She said slowly, sounding nonplussed.
" And......we haven't." Well, duh, i told myself, inwardly groaning for having stated the obvious, again, like all the girls say I always do. 
"I thought you'd be okay with that, Mel."
"What do you mean?"
" I thought you didn't want us to."
" I didn't! But only because either me or Rebecca would have to stop boarding with you guys......."
" And Rebecca put up such a big fuss." Samantha finished.
" Exactly." I grinned. Then, as the grin faded, "So?" I prompted. Samantha sighed, and scribbled down a few notes in the brief interval of silence that had taken over the spacious loft bedroom. 
" I don't know, Mel."
"Don't know what?"
"If we're gonna move." She said, not looking at me. 
" Why not?" I gasped, surprised.
"The house got sold to somebody else."
" The one your mom was looking at?"
" Yeah."
" Well - that could be a good thing, right? Your mom could find another house with a different setup, so that Rebecca and I could keep boarding with you."
" Yeah, I guess so." Samantha nodded, glancing back down at her notes. 
After that, we settled down into the (for me) complete boredom of studying.

I thought back to the beginning of the summer, when we'd first gotten the news that we were moving. I'd been pretty scared, because there was a chance I'd have to find another family to board with. And I didn't want to. Still don't want to. To tell you the truth, I love boarding with the Parkington. They were also one of the very few families that could afford to board not one, but two girls. Me and Rebecca. And then Lilyana, Samantha's cousin; whose family also lived with them. When I first arrived from Canada, it had been a little scary. Rebecca hadn't come yet; so I was the first and only boarder with the family. It took a little getting used to, for me, used to being an (almost) only child; because I had to deal with not just Samantha and Lily, but Samantha's sister Sara, and Lilyana's sister Melanie. But then school started, and Melanie went off to boarding school, and things settled down. pretty much. Then Rebecca came, and she pretty much changed everything. Livened things up, you might say, with her moods, and fights, and overall strangness. But I've gotten used to it. And I would really hate to not be boarding here anymore. So I hope that Samantha's mom finds a new house (Close to this one, I hope, because all our friends live her) that has a loft bedroom for us. 


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Samantha - Good grief

I just wanted to say, Rebecca, in case you are reading this - we barely ever see you anymore! Are you avoiding us, or something? Why? You leave early for school, stay late, then go to dance until 10! By that time, we're all doing homework/asleep/ pretending to do homework. So......whats the big deal, Rebecca? Why are you hiding from us? What exactly has we done? It just annoys the heck out of me. We really need to talk.

Monday is Les Mis Day! The twenty-seventh anniversary of the musical that swept the world. Coincidence of coincidences; we have no school! Okay, fine, I do realize that the reason we have no school is because it's Columbus Day; but still. We should all dress up as characters from Les Mis on Monday! That would be so, so, cool.  I could be Eponine, Rebecca (What? Who?) could be Cosette..... It would be great! We are so doing that.

On the school side, I have a huge test coming up in History; all about the American revolution. Since I have been so Les Mis-oriented lately, I keep thinking about Enjolras during class, when we're talking about the patriots. When we watch clips, I can't get him out of my head! It's actually kind of funny. So let hope that I don't totally mess up the test by talking about Enjolras and Comberferre instead of John Adams and George Washington.

I think that I'm going to be a witch this year for Halloween! I can't wait. Lat year, I was Nancy from Oliver Twist, which was super fun, but because I'm getting old for Halloween and this will probably be my last year, I want to be something traditional. It'll be fun. Halloween is one of my favourite times of the year!

Got to go study, but I promise more posts this weekend. And pictures, if we ever find the camera.



Lilyana - Happy October!

Well, it is officially October now! The month of Les Mis Day and Halloween! The moth of riding Cooper Cream through fallen leaves, and carving pumpkins. October is one of my favorite months. It is so perfect; the smell of fall in the air, the crunchy leaves, the excitement of Halloween night! It's all so fun. I can't wait for Halloween; this might very well be my last trick-or-treating year, and I want yo make it count. Last year, I was a ghost; but I don't know what to be this year. I'd love suggestions.

I too, am confused about my mothers phone conversation. What on earth was she talking about? I have no clue whatsoever. So there's nothing to do but wait, and hope it all comes out soon. No point wearing myself out over it. Still, it is very strange.

I still miss my father so much, I can't bear it. There's a part of me that wishes that they'd have to do another operation on my arm; so he'd come down to be with me. I feel so guilty that I think that, but I do. It just feels wrong. Dirty, almost. I don't know. I still think about Caroline a lot. I bet she'd understand.

Sorry for the short post.
