Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Samantha - Plans and Summer days :(

Hey guys, Samantha here. I thought I'd do a post about how the rest of the summer is going to go. Melanthe should be getting back within a couple of days - like I said before, she had very bad cell reception there, so she doesn't call often.

 Anyway, Lilyana's best friend Ani's birthday is next weekend, so we're going to the party. That's going to be fun! I love a good party. She's the youngest of us though; we're all thirteen already. Melanthe is the oldest, her birthday is in November. Rebecca's is in February, Lily's is in March, and mine is in may. My friend Andrea also has a birthday in May, so we often have a double birthday party. Maddi's birthday is in June. So its always fun to have a summer party. I'm not quite sure what I'm getting her yet, though. Oh well, I have time.

On August twenty-seventh, there is the annual Little Miss Sunshine pageant! We're all competing in it. I love pageants, and so does Melanthe. Rebecca tolerates them, and so does Lily. The only problem is that Rebecca wins a lot, which I find annoying, Sure, she may be prettier then me, but I have the better personality, and I am SO more talented. Thats what counts, right? And after coming FORTH in Little Miss Springtime to Rebecca's first and Maddi's third, I swear I will win this one!

We're still having trouble selling the house, so I have no clue when we'll actually move. Oh well, the later the better. And like I said, we'll have to have a house meeting when Mellie gets back.

As you know, Lilyana got back yesterday. She's a bit shell-shocked about what happened with her father, and she was really sad about leaving. I've only met my uncle a couple times, but he's a nice guy. If he's going to remarry, I'm sure he'll pick somebody nice. At least, I hope so, for Lily's sake. Lily thinks that he's hiding something else from her, but I'm not sure what she thinks it could be. I wouldn't know if he is or not, having not seen him or talked to him, but Lilyana has good instincts. I g=feel bad for her, I really do. She's kinda mopey at the moment. And Rebecca is so not helping. She keeps making all these cryptic comments, and giving advice that seems to scare Lily. What does she know, anyway? Well, actually, I don't know what the heck the deal is with her parents. Her dad sounded like a real piece of work on the phone, so maybe she does know what she's talking about. To some extent. But still, she's really upsetting Lilyana, and thats not fair or nice. Really, she has to be more empathetic sometimes, or nobody will like her. If anybody ever did, which I doubt. Well, she gets along OK with Lily, but Lily is friends with anybody, she's so nice. I just don't know what her problem is. Speaking of Rebecca, she's been in quite a mood ever since she got home from camp. Firstly, she's not as mopey, and she's smiling a bit more. She seems very...happyish. But she's also gotten more reckless; talking back to my mom all the time, and being mean to the rest of us, sassy comments and mean insults said in a jokey tone that really hurts. When she's home, that is. She's at the studio a lot, or up on the roof, or who knows where, getting home late and ignoring my parents when they ask where she is. She's freaking me out, actually, but I'm just being stupid. She's just being Rebecca. Oh god, I hope thats all this is, because I must be crazy to think like this about her. I'm the one with the problem, not Rebecca. But I still worry.


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