Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Samantha - Bunheads Party!

Yesterday, as you know, we had a super awesome party to celebrate the season finale of Bunheads! I know, I know, I'm not that much of a TV show person - none of us are - but Rebecca and I both started watching because of Sutton Foster, who we both love, and we got hooked! So, to celebrate the end of a fantastic first season, we threw a little party! We invited Andrea and Kanani. Maddi wanted to come, but her mom was dragging her to visit her aunt and cousins, so she couldn't. Melanthe was disappointed, but secretly, I didn't care. I don't like Maddi. I think she's shallow and annoying; but clearly Melanthe disagree with me. Oh well, as long as she didn't come, I don't really care about Melanthe. 

Firstly, here are some great photos of us all in our Bunhead outfits. Notice how our Bunhead outfits all reflect our personal style and personalities! Rebecca's is very quiet and traditional, pretty but not in a flashy way. Pink is a good color for her. Melanthe is bright and bold in pink and purple, totally standing out from the rest of us. She is so, so, gorgeous. I've always wanted to be a redhead. They say redheads don't wear pink; but Mellie looks good in her pink wrap-around skirt, which looks nice with her bright purple leg-warmers. Kanani, of course, looks beautiful and calm, very neat and pretty in her usual wallflower way. She could be o, so pretty if she tried, really she could. Dear old Andrea, of course, looks totally clueless and out of it. Dancing is SO not her thing. I have no clue where she got the leotard, it is truly hideous. I could see Rebecca struggling to to make some snide remark, and I admit I teased her a bit about it myself. By the way, she borrowed that shrug from me. I want it back. You may have noticed that Lilyana wasn't wearing a leotard. She prefers wearing long sleeves to hide the brace-thingy she wears on her shoulder, and I don't blame her. It's not that nice to look at. She decided to wear  more casual dance-wear instead, borrowing Rebecca's new black sweater. And then there's me, Samantha. I think I look rather nice, don't you? 

We had the most yummy cakes! The first one was lemon, and baked by Lilyana, Of course, because she is a great baker! We put pink sprinkles on it, and wrote 'Bunheads' in pink frosting. It was so, so,  good! We all had seconds, and Andrea had thirds, in typical Andrea fashion. She eats so much! The other cake was almond cream, baked by you-know-who. I don't mean Voldemort, I'm not sure he can bake. It was almost better then the lemon. We tried to frost a ballet shoe on it, but the frosting was being annoying, so it turned out to be a giant pink blob. Oh well; Blobs still taste good, right? Definantly! 

The party was super fun. Melanthe brought her camera, so we have lots of pictures of us all. We fooled a round a lot as Rebecca tried to teach those of us who couldn't dance various positions and moves. Andrea sucked, but Melanthe was surprisingly good. Lily, of course, refrained, but Kanani sat out with her like a good friend. A pity, because Kanani is a good dancer, probably from all the hula dancing she did in Hawaii. And as for the episode.......oh god, it was spectacular! I won't talk about it now, but Rebecca will post her review tomorrow, so look at that. But I was so happy when Sutton sang.....and the hubble dream made me cry. As for the ending......I don't think I can wait until winter to find out what happened. Poor Michelle. It wasn't her fault! But she does cause a fair amount of trouble. Still, it is her house, so Fanny can't make her leave. But if she still wants to stay after all that......who knows? I hope Talia comes back. I loved her. Oh god, I can't wait for season two, literally CAN'T wait! Bunheads has become such a constant in my life! 

Anyway, Fantastic party! Look out for Rebecca's review, which she'll post tomorrow. 


Our attempt at the Bunheads logo thingy. :D

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