Sunday, August 12, 2012

Melanthe - I'm Home!!!

Hey all you random people out there! If you haven't read the title, this is Melanthe, posting for the first time in almost a month. Sorry about that, by the way. I wish I could have blogged, and I feel bad about not blogging, but I do have two excuses. Number one - No Internet Service. Number two - I was way, way, too busy. But now I'm back! Well, i got back yesterday morning, but i was to busy unpacking to post. Hurray! I'm glad to be back here, but it was nice to see my family. I really miss them during the school year, but I guess being able to attend Sutton is worth it. It really is a good school. But still, it was great to be able to spend time with my parents.

And our beach house in Maine is my favourite place on earth! My parents have owned the house forever (It belonged to my dads family, and he inherited it because he's an only child like me), so I've spent at least a month every summer there since I was two. It's on the coast, and we have a little private beach that is more rocks than sand. When the tide is in, it's little more then a strip of rocks and shells, but at low tide it's a fantastic beach. All types of sand, shells, and sea-glass wash on shore, and most mornings I went looking around for treasures. Its so nice to be alone on the beach at sunset, the rising sun tinging the clear water orangey-red, the breeze cool, and the air fresh and brimming with the lucrative promises of another summer day.  The water is very calm and warm, perfect for swimming. Almost every day, my best-beach-friend Tessa and I would go swimming, sometimes with other friends, sometimes just the two o us. I like Tessa a lot; I've known her for years. Her family has a summer house near ours, so we've always been close. We're summer-best-friends. Both of us have other friends back home, and we both know that. Its easy yo be with her, because we just know each other through the summers, and we don't have to deal with any long term fights, or crap, or anything. I Often, we take our boat out and have a picnic on the water, or go into the town to hang out. We like to get ice cream at one of the zillion ice cream stores, and basically jut fool around. Tessa has a kind-of-boyfriend named Josh. A lot of time, he hung out with us. He has tons of friends that were available - and cute! but I somehow didn't feel like doing that this summer. I'm not sure why. They say most people who are bisexual really prefer one gender over the other. But I don't know. I don't feel that way. Is that wrong? Maybe I just need time, but I want to know now. I don't want to, say, get a girlfriend, but then realize that I really prefer boys! That would be weird. And mean, (to the girlfriend, I mean), because what if she actually like me a lot? I don't want to risk that. So I guess i'll just have to wait. i mean, its not like i really want to get romantically involved now. Alright, I'm really and truly off topic here.

So......I'm back now. Back in Boston. Back to.......I don't know, exactly. From reading over the blog earlier i gather things have been kinda....odd around here. I read about what was happening with Lily's dad. I feel bad for her, I would never want my parents to divorce, and I they did, I'd totally freak out if one of them remarried! That would be horrible! I don't know how Lily is being so open about that, i really don't. It all sounds horrible to me. And I do admit, Rebecca is being weird. Weirder then usual. But really, what else is new? She's been in a pretty good mood lately, though. More upbeat then i've seen her in ages. But Samantha's right. She's gotten very reckless, it seems, based on what Samantha told me last night, and what I've seen since I got back. She started screaming at Samantha's mom yesterday, for no reason that I could see. Last night, I heard her get up. I thought she was going out to the roof, as she so often does, but when i got up to go to the bathroom, I looked out the window and she wasn't there. I don't know where she goes. But Rebecca's always been kind of a mystery to me. To us. So really, who cares what she does.

Moving. Samantha told me that it won't be in the next week or so because, they haven't found a buyer for the house yet. I hope it never sells, because I don't want us to split up. I don't want to find another household to board with, I'm happy here. I like staying with Samantha's family, I like being so near to Maddi's house. There must be some way I can stay with them, there must. We're having another family meeting again in a couple days. Maybe we'll find a way. I hope Rebecca isn't as violent as last time, though. Honestly, I don't know why she can't find another family to board with. What is it on her record that makes people reject her like that? I'd love to know, it must be something really bad. Still, I don't even know why she left her school in New York. It was much better then Sutton School For The Arts. I can't see her leaving a great school for a not so great one; she's so career-oriented. She could go back, go back to her old school. Back to the city. Then I could still board with the Parkingtons. I wish.


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