Monday, August 27, 2012

Melanthe - Choosing dresses for the pageant!

Today we looked through all our dresses to find the perfect ones of the pageant. Since Lilyana backed out, she helped all of us, and settled any 'Friendly Disputes.'

Lilyana helped Rebecca decide between a flowery pink dress, and a shimmery yellow strapless. Rebecca looks surprisingly good in yellow, but that pink dress also fits her perfectly. 

Samantha and I hunt through the chest of drawers to unearth forgotten garments. I found a black velvet dress that I didn't even know we had. It's very pretty, but I'm not to fond of the idea of wearing black in the pageant. I'm not sure that thats what the judges are looking for. Samantha was looking at the ruffley pink dress that i wore at the last pageant. Well, she can use that one, I don't think the judges liked me in it all that much. 

Here it is! This is the other dress I wore last year. It's one of my favorites, but I'm worried that it looks to little-kiddish. You know, with the polka dots and the ribbon. I don't want to look to childish, but I really do like it. They say Redheads can't wear pink, but I like pink. I'm not afraid to wear it at all, not like some redheads I know. 

Ah! The multitudes of dresses to be had. 

Lilyana, searching in the back of the closet, found the red dress I wore on the Forth of July, and thought that it was perfect for Samantha. 
"I don't know..." Samantha said, reaching out to hesitantly take the dress. "I have another that I like better."
"Well, you can wear it when you sing." Lilyana said, smiling. "You need a separate dress for that, right?"
"Yeah, I do. Do you think a red dress is to bold, though?"
"I wouldn't wear it; but I guess thats why I'm not going. You'd look great. And anyway, I thought the judges liked bold."
"Good point." Samantha said, taking the dress.

We all were mystified be this random purple dress that, although pretty, was something that none of us remembered owning. We were all mystified as to who's it was, until I remembered that I'd borrowed it ages ago from Maddi and never bothered to give it back. Oh well, if one of us wants to wear it for the pageant, I'm sure she won't mind. She doesn't look good in purple, anyway. :) 

Two days until the pageant! 


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