Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Melanthe - Finding song for pageant and Life Goals

Hey guys, It's Melanthe. As you know, the Pageant is in 6 days, as of today. I figured it was about time to start finding a song to play on my flute in the Talent section. Which is the second most important part of the pageant; the first being beauty. Of course. Anyway, It's important to find the right song to play, because I think song choice really sways the judges in your favor. I mean, If there's a really talented flutist (Like moi), but she plays a really boring song (NOT like moi) then she might not get as good a score.

Rebecca says that there's only a bit of truth in that, because talent is talent, and anyway, nobody would ever say something like that about dancer, because no dance is ever boring, and I should take my unwanted observations and stick them up you-know-where. But thats just what Rebecca says, so really, who cares? And anyway, she should stop being so mean and stuck-up about dance. She's always going on about how great it is, and how talented she is. And it kinda sounds like bragging sometimes. Well, a lot of the time. But somehow, I don't think it is. I don't know why. I've know girls who brag a lot (Like Maddi. Sorry, Mads.) and they don't sound like Rebecca. I'm not sure exactly what the difference is, but I know it's there. But if she's not bragging, what is she doing? I have no idea. But she always seems so...sure. About her future. She knows she wants to be a dancer, then possibly teach. And she probably will. But me? I have no clue. I mean, I know I'm really good on the flute (It's partly what I have a scholarship to Sutton for), but thats so not what I want to do with my life. It's something to fall back on, as Lily says, but not very exciting. I like fashion and fashion design (The other part of what I have the scholarship for) and maybe I'd like to do something like that. Maybe. I guess I'm good at fashion and everything, but there are so many girls that are better. Even in my class, there are so many that are better. What chance do I have? And it's not like I'm even really serious about that, either. So, honestly, I have no idea what I want to do with my life. Maybe it's to early. But it seems that most of my friends know where they're going, even if there's no chance of them getting there. Rebecca wants to be a dancer, as we all know. Samantha wants to be a broadway star, like Bernadette Peters or Sutton Foster. Maddi wants to work either as a hairdresser or a game show host. Andrea (Samantha's friend) wants to be a food critic. Kanani wants to be a marine biologist. Lilyana wants to be a riding teacher for disabled kids. So I guess everybody knows what they want to do. I mean, hey, I'm totally content to be a blow-in-the-wind kinda girl, but it would be nice to have an idea of where I;m blowing, right?

OMG, I just realized that I never told you what song I'm doing! I've decided to do 'Perfect' by Pink. One of my all-time favorite songs ever! Its a bit tricky, but I've worked on it before, so It'll sound fantastic by Monday.


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