Saturday, September 15, 2012

Melanthe - complaints, basicly.

I am so glad that it is the weekend! I mean, school is fine for talking to friends and stuff, but all the work is really annoying me. It's not that it's hard, exactly, but it is just so boring. I don't know how Rebecca and Lilyana manage to get such good grades. Don't they realize what a waste of time school is? Clearly not, because Rebecca has begun using studying at the library as her secondary excuse to get away from us. (Dance being her first, and must often used one.) And I hate that Maddi doesn't go to Sutton. I do have tons of friends, but I miss being with Mads. I miss talking in class to her a lot. She is so funny; and can always make me laugh in the most boring of classes. But I guess I am making a lot of new friends, which rocks. So enough bitching from me.

On to another subject, I am so sick and tired of people using 'gay' as an insult! How is it even remotely? I hate it when the people at my school use go, like, OMG, you're so gay!" It really, really, pisses me off! It's like saying "You are so blonde!" It's the same thing, people. There is nothing, NOTHING wrong with being gay! Or bisexual, like me. Which is something that nobody at Sutton can EVER know, because while a lot of them are super accepting and wonderful, there are some who aren't. And it's just not worth it. It's none of their business anyway. Samantha, however, seems to think that I should be waking up to everybody I meet and saying "I'm bi!" Good grief. She seems to think that it's a statement, instead of who I am. It really annoys me.

Sorry about a blog post that has basicly been me complaining. I promise more intersting things next time.


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