Monday, October 8, 2012

Samantha - Happy Les Mis Day

So, since today was The 27 anniversary of Les Miserables; we all dressed up! It was super fun. We also invited some of our friends over too - Maddi, Ani, Andrea, and Delia, who is Ani's friend. All of us really like Delia, she's Ani's other best friend, and Lilyanna really likes her, too, but we don't know her that well because she's really shy. We want to get to know her better. She made a very good madame thenardier!

I, of course, was Eponine. I rather like the way my costume turned out. I know that she doesn't wear a shawl in the musical; but she does in the book, so I decided to add it in to my costume. I used a piece of string for a hair band, even though you can't see it in this picture. Anyway, I think I look great! Melanthe said I look exactly like Samantha Barks! I think that is just so awesome. I adore Samantha. Plus; we have the same name! How cool is that! 

Melanthe decided to dress up as Javert. She said she didn't want to end up as Madame Thenardier. I really love her costume, especially the hat. I don't know if she looks stern enough, but I think she rocks as Javert!

Rebecca dressed up as Cosette, of course. A lot of people have this extremely mis-informed idea that Cosette has blonde hair; but they're wrong. Cosette has auburn curls, and large blue eyes. I think Rebecca looks remarkably like her. Now, the costume was the best we could do. We don't have very many old-fashioned dresses, so we dug up this one. I think it looks alright. 

Lilyana, naturally, was Fantine. I think she makes the best Fantine ever! She just looks so sweet and innocent. We decided to put her in Fantines nightgown, instead of her blue dress, because we couldn't find a blue dress that would work right. I think she looks perfect; and even Rebecca had to agree with me. 

Here we are; the four mizzies! Who do you think looks the best? 

Finally, our friends arrived. Andrea came first, dressed as Enjolras; which we all though was pretty funny. I think she looked great, of course. Or, as great as a girl playing a boy CAN look. I just love her red vest! 

Maddi came dressed as Marius. It's OK, but hey, I would have no idea how to dress up as Marius. 

Ani came as Grantaire; which we all though was the funniest thing ever! Grantaire is a crazy alcoholic given to long, drunken, speeches, and Kanani is the shyest person ever. Still; her costume was pretty good; I thought. 

This is Kanani's friend Delia, who is kind of a bitch. Kanani had the idea of inviting her, and I didn't want to say no. It was really funny to see her dressed up in a sort of dirty costume, because Delia's really neat! She made a good Madame Thenardier! She's ugly anyway, so it was alright. Honestly, I hate her . . . but she's Kanani's friend so I guess I'll have to deal. 


For more pics go to my photo - bucket at

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