Sunday, October 7, 2012

Blogger award!

The wonderful Sayoko Tachibana ( awarded us with the Versatile blogger award! Here are the requirements:

1. Must State Requirements (Well, thats a bit obvious, and unworthy of being number one, but we shall obey, oh royal blogger award.)

2. Thank the Person Who Awarded You
Thank you so much Sayoko! You are wonderful!

3. Pass the Award on to Five Other Bloggers
3.Charlotte and Zoe
5.Anne Lee Mercedes            

3 1/2. Notify the Awarded Bloggers by Commenting on Their Blogs (Done. What, is there something wrong with having five parts to this thing; do we really need a three and a half? Lol.)

4. Share Seven Unusual Things About Yourself. ( Well, there are four of us, so if you are easily bored do not read this.)


1. I bite my nails a lot; even my toenails.
2. I HATE strawberry icing on anything. It is revolting.
3. I am way to attached to my stuffed animals - I have, like, thirty.
4. I have never been on a roller coaster.
5. When I was six years old; my kindergarten teacher thought I was a boy.
6. I had to have an eye operation two years ago; and I am very paranoid about my eyes ever since.
7. I think a lot of Eponine fangirls are really, really, dumb.


1. Before I moved to Montana, I was terrified of horses! Now, I love then, and want to teach riding to disabled children when I'm older.
2. I always wear my hair up because it gets really, really, frizzy otherwise.
3. I feel really left out when the other girls talk about theatre - I'm the only one who's not a theatre freak.
4. I always feel very shy when I wear bright colors.
5. My mother doesn't let me comment on youtube videos. It took a lot of convincing to let me blog on here with Samantha.
6. My little sister Melanie goes to a boarding school for opera singers - and she's only eight. I feel really talentless next to her and my cousin.
7. I have kept a diary for almost six years.


1. Once I ate an entire tub of chocolate frosting. I am a chocolate-addict!
2. Ogunquit Beach is my favourite place in the world - my family has a beach house there, and we go every summer. I love it more then anything.
3. I have dyslexia, but I don't like telling anybody because a lot of people see me as a 'Dumb-airhead-brainless-cheerleader-clothes-obsessed' type. That just makes it worse.
4. I struggle with the compulsion to shoplift. I do it a lot, and I've never been caught. I never feel guilty, either.
5. I write fanfiction. RENT, Bunheads, and sometimes Glee.
6. When I was little, I wanted to be an olympic swimmer.
7. Licorice makes me gag.


1. I had really horrible relationships with both my parents - I'd happily never see either of them ever again - especially my father. He has done things to me that you could never imagine.
2. I've wanted to be a ballerina since I was three. But if it wasn't for the fact I was offered a full scholarship at the dance academy, my parents would never had let me. I'm not even sure why they wanted a kid.
3. I've never had anything like a best friend in my life until I met Angela; an autistic girl who went to school with me back in New York. She was an artist, extremely talented, but really shy; kind of an outcast like I am. We got along so well; she's basically the only thing I miss back home.
4. I'm terrified of learning to drive.
5.  I want to live briefly and brightly.
6. I get restless so easily; it's like a constant ache inside me.
7. There are many things you don't know about me.

Thank you and goodnight! Happy Sunday everybody, and we are all looking foward to Les Mis day tomorrow!

Samantha, Rebecca, Melanthe, Lilyana


  1. Congrats on reciving the award, what an honor! We'd LOVE it if you checked out our blog, The Spicys! We are trying to reach 100 followers and need YOUR help!
    Thanks SO much! xoxo

  2. Aww, thank you so much for thinking of me and my blog!! I liked reading this post about you guys. :) I am very attached to my stuffed animals, too, Samantha!
